CSSQ Field Trip to Maria and Basil's - 2003

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Please be patient, they have a lot of detail. (Page 3 of 3)

Epiphytic Cacti

Sedum morganianum

Aloe sp

An Asclepiad of some sort - great hanging basket material

Aloe aristata

A Succulent bowl

Glottiphyllum dp

Succulent trough

Haworthia sp

Haworthia sp

Succulent bowl

Euphorbia trigona

A Crested Euphorbia

Unlnown "Window" type succulent

Bowl with some Monadeniums

Cacti in a bowl

Middle of the Garden

Kalanchoe sp

Dyckia sp

Kalanchoe flowers

The Pergola

One of many Epiphytic Cacti

Aeonium arboreum v nigrum

Crassula, Cacti & Euphorbia

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All plants were grown by Maria and Basil